Friday, July 10, 2009

What's on Your To Read List?

I am hereby, officially, forever ditching the tdl for the trl. It's not as if the tdl was such a success anyway. I can pretty much recite it -- laundry, dry cleaners, wardrobe for the week, food shopping, bills, school stuff, SJU stuff, calls, etc. I'm here in clean clothes, my electricity hasn't been shut off, and people are still talking to me, so I guess I can venture on without the list.

But a reading list....oh now that's another story altogether. I'll time myself doing a 2-minute "quick write" (omg remember that? was it it any way useful?) of titles I have read recently, am currently reading or rereading, or plan to read or reread in the not-too-distant future:

Caulkins, Art of Teaching Reading
Caulkins, Art of Teaching Writing
Dan Pink, Johnny Bunko
JhumpaLahiri, Unaccustomed Earth, Namesake, Interpreter of Maladies
Patchett, Patron Saint of Liars
Life of Pi
Albert Einstein
Pink, Brain Rules
Patchett, Bel Canto
Noe, Getting Started with Literature Circles
The Giver
Gospel of St.John
Balducci, Wish You Well
Hawthorne, Bartleby the Scrivener
Friedman, The World is Flat

That's far from complete but my recall is not what it used to be, but an interesting list nevertheless.

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