Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Little Things

Brendan is somewhere in Afghanistan. His first request for things to be sent: candy for the kids who run up to the soldiers all the time. Okay. Exhale for a bit, then keep praying.
Sean will be 21 Wednesday and is going to Vegas with Chris and Christopher.
Daniel, Jen, James and who knows who else will surprise Liam at his baseball game this afternoon.
The Mets...never mind.
My to do list is so long; what else could I do but ignore it and blog a bit?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holy Fat Cells, Batman! My "Real Age" is 68.7

So much for getting rid of my self absorption...I just need to turn in this body for a newer model.  68.7 geez, are they serious? That's a ridiculous website anyway and Dr. Oz or Amen or whatever his name is an idiot. So there.  This is one post I probably should not publish, like one of those emails you write to get your frustration out then delete. Who knows. Maybe this will seem oh so silly and moot one month from today, when I'm down to, I don't know, say 65.2?

Like the New Look?

In keeping with my theme of spring renewal, I've changed the blog template. Much easier than dropping 40 pounds, eating right, and living well. The template's a bit more cheery, I think.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lunges, Planks, Suicides, Crunches

Not words I am used to hearing, never mind movements I am used to making. I've never ever been even remotely limber. When I was in kindergarten, I couldn't even sit like an "Indian," like everyone else. If anything, my attempts at these exercises now at the tender age of 51 are probably very funny to watch. Good thing I can't see myself.

Week One of Boot Camp has been quite an experience. I was smarter this time, however, "easing" into it. My arthritic neck notwithstanding, I have survived and actually enjoy getting up and out so early. Plus, getting to bed early has allowed me to miss a few Mets debacles as well. I was on time every day, didn't whine, and did not have a heart attack, thus meeting my lofty goals for week one.  Next week, I'll increase the number of reps for each activity, while still not overdoing things, and I'll get an appointment with an orthopedist to check out the neck.

And I'll think of something more compelling for the next post: maybe Liam Hannon as the next Thurmon Munson, or thoughts of Brendan Hannon over in Afghanistan, or what I think of The Book Thief or The Help -- God knows there's plenty of material out there beyond my little morning routine.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back to Boot Camp

Tomorrow morning from 5:30AM- 6:30 AM, in the great Oceanside outdoors, I begin the first day of the first week of exercise camp: Strong Healthy Women Boot Camp. My goal for the first week is simply to get there on time with my stuff and to not have a heart attack. That's right;  realistic expectations.

I already warned the instructor Shae (I know her from when I did this 2 years ago) that I need to work up to full participation and that I cannot go all out during Week 1; otherwise, there may not be a Week 2. I asked her to think of this as differentiation of instruction  -- I have several years and pounds on the other campers, plus arthritis, but I am excited about doing this again. Once you get the hang of it, it really is a lot of fun.

The weigh in and the baseline measurements take place, I think, Friday.  Thirty-four minutes to bedtime. Woo Hoo!!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

You Don't Know Jack... Kevorkian, That Is

The HBO film is directed by Barry Levinson and stars Al Pacino, John Goodman, and Susan Sarandon, and  Brenda Vaccaro.  I pressed play on IO and from the outset, the music and the black, white, and red frames had me. I will return to the blog after I watch it. I hope I am not disappointed. It's such a complex subject, really, so of course, I'm now wondering why there were no shades of gray in the opening frame. Back later.

Well, it's now a few days later. I was a bit let down, but the film is worth watching, especially for its documentation of an important person and time in our recent history. Al Pacino played the very quirky, Jack Kevorkian well, and the plot moved along at a good pace, taking the viewer from the doctor's initial interest in physician-assisted suicide all the way to the trial culminating in his eight-year incarceration. I found some of Kevorkian's arguments compelling as he contrasted his preference for death with dignity to the removal of a patient's feeding tube which he likened to murder.

It is certainly more pleasant, however, to focus on life. To life!

Microfiction Monday

Microfiction Monday is hosted by Susan @ Stony Brook. Each week, participants compose a 140 character limited story in response to a picture. I have so enjoyed my friend Chris's very clever posts, I thought I'd check it out. I am not as gifted, but it's a fun thing to do.

Below is the picture followed by my microfiction:

Interesting that they want us to wear these outfits for the read through. 

Yes, but I think you went a little overboard with the leg tattoos.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day

I am not an expert on May Day at all, but I do know that it is one of the most celebrated days on the calendar, interestingly enough for different reasons. In medieval times the day was celebrated with festivals to fertility, with flowered maypoles, dancing and singing to pagan gods. That evolved into a more secular celebration of spring.  Later in 1886, May 1 was designated as "Labour Day," with coordinated strikes and became somewhat of a Communist worker celebration. During the Cold War Era in the 1950's to frame the day in religious terms, the Catholic Church deemed it the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I do remember celebrating that day in high school because we had Sisters of St. Joseph. I did not know about its origin and remember being surprised that we didn't celebrate it on March 19, identified on most calendars as St. Joseph's Day- the day when bakeries made amazing pastries. Not surprising, this was celebrated more by Italians. (Rome, Catholic Church, etc.) The CSJ schools no longer celebrate May 1, but have returned to the March date.

So, Happy May Day all,  and what a beautiful one we are having with temps on the way to the 80's. Maybe, I'll do a little spring cleaning, say prayer or two to St. Joseph, and hit the great outdoors in celebration. Oh, and I officially deem this day (in 2010 at least) Beat the Phillies Again Day.