Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holy Fat Cells, Batman! My "Real Age" is 68.7

So much for getting rid of my self absorption...I just need to turn in this body for a newer model.  68.7 geez, are they serious? That's a ridiculous website anyway and Dr. Oz or Amen or whatever his name is an idiot. So there.  This is one post I probably should not publish, like one of those emails you write to get your frustration out then delete. Who knows. Maybe this will seem oh so silly and moot one month from today, when I'm down to, I don't know, say 65.2?


  1. Loved all 3 of the new entries and the new look go girl...I joined weight watchers online so no human can see my real weight!

  2. I don't know who said it, but at my gym I often hear...'what gets measured gets improved'.

    And yes...I like the new blog design!
