While the details may be different and the terms new, this reminds me of the Aristotelian idea of moderation. Our current political culture would certainly benefit from a little polarity management, which I think the president is attempting.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Polarity Management:I'll Take a Ying Yang Combo:
In friend's blog post yesterday, (Ad Maioram Dei Gloriam) he discussed the concept of polarity management. This is based on the premise that oftentimes, what we consider problems to be solved are really "polarities to be managed." I think this is especially true in cases or points of view that seem entrenched or intractable or in which people have taken sides or formed camps. Working within existing polarities in an organization makes so much more sense than the traditional problem-based, either/or methodology. That does not mean it's not difficult, or that such an approach will always be successful, but I think it's the right frame of reference from which to start. It suggests an honesty, a recognition of differences, and a respect for them. In my current undertaking, this approach will be interesting, but challenging because many people (myself included) at times feel confident that they alone know what needs to be changed and how to change it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Facebook and Morning Coffee
I wonder how many others check their email and Facebook before leaving the house in the morning? I cannot remember when I started doing this, but now I don't even pick up the Sunday Times. It's online. I will say that it is hard sometimes to be charitable and nonjudmental when confronted with statuses that do not seem to need updating or with invitations, pokes, and photos. I did go through a FB addictive phase, but I've gotten more of a handle on it. Like most things with me, there are fits and starts to my FB activity.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Opening Day 28
Tuesday morning from about 8AM to 10Am, members of theBethpage School District gathered for their Opening Day. This featured the new Superintendent, a beloved 24- year Bethpage veteran, and his slide shows of results, who's new, milestones, then the year in review. Very nice, engaging way to begin the year. Like the other 2 public school districts, of which I have been a part, at Bethpage, the teachers seat themselves (like children) in the last possible rows, so there is about one third of the front of the auditorium empty... except for administrators. Unlike the other two, Bethpage is a one man show-- no introduction of Board members, building administrators, anniversary celebrants, Teachers of the Year, or student entertainment. My sense, however, was that there was sincere enthusiasm for and mutual appreciation of the Superintendent and staff, which set a very positive tone to begin the year.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Other First Day: Opening Day
No, not the first day on the bus for kindergartners or anxious moms following in SUV's, not the dreaded summer reading test, nor the first foray into the cafeteria for a "new kid" in school. Those concern students and families and often evoke strong memories. This other opening usually occurs the day before, when the faculty and staff of a school (for private schools) and of the entire district (in public school) gathers en masse for its own opening day ritual. If my count is accurate, after tomorrow, I will have attended 28 such events, including eight in three Catholic secondary schools and twenty in three public school districts. I think that gives me sufficient credibility to weigh in on the subject... and I shall, tomorrow.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day Weekend 2009
For most of my professional life, I have "labored" at some point during this holiday weekend, from going in to work to clean a classroom or office, to organizing locker cards for incoming 7th graders, or to refining my opening day meeting agenda. The tradition continues. While there is enough to keep me laboring in the book rooms of the high school and the middle school in my new district, I will stay away and work via my laptop, perhaps while enjoying the ocean breeze. But the annual decision about the opening day outfit remains as does the hair and nail appointment and the last-minute let's lose weight and get tan in one weekend mentality. Simply juvenile.
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