Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On Writing Short Shorts: 6 Beats 55

Now that I'm back in the world of English, I find myself checking out blogs and online resources about reading and writing. I came across Flash 55, a writing game some bloggers engage in on Fridays. The goal is to write a 55-word story. Not 54, not 56, but exactly 55.  Not a bad idea, but definitely not as cool as the six-word story. Supposedly, Hemingway considered this short, short story his best. 
For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
So, I am starting my own little game, right this very minute and, I think I'll call it Six on Sunday or maybe Saturday. To participate, simply compose 6 word bios of famous people w/o revealing their identity. Then readers can post guesses. Given the number of readers, this shouldn't be too taxing, but hey, this could catch on. 

I'll start today. Okay, new rule. On Wednesday, the bios must be about famous women. Although, my idea of "famous" needs clarifying. I'm not a fan of "cult of celebrity" fame. I prefer famous for actual accomplishments in a given area. Here's an easy one. I'll do better by Sunday.
Chameleon voices. Nominations galore. Class act.

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