Thursday, February 25, 2010

Drench Anger with Forgiveness?

Good, true advice, from Catholic theologian and author Beth Johnson, C.S.J., but difficult for me these days. The second class status of women in the Catholic Church remains, actually is increasingly infuriating and insulting to me. I find myself seething at the images of the sea of white haired white men in Rome or in cathedrals. I was so distracted recently when a homilist in my Jesuit parish mentioned Bishop Murphy that I might as well have been home watching the Jets. We are typically spared such messages as a Jesuit parish.  To me Murphy is an example of the "apostolic Church" I find so challenging, to put it charitably. Fortunately, that has not impacted my own spirituality. Last year's trip to the Casa for Holy Week provided a wonderful example of diversity within a progressive yet deeply Catholic community.

1 comment:

  1. They just don't get it. It is theorized that Mary Magdalene played a much more important role in Christ's life and in the early church. Her book was not chosen for the first Bible because men did the choosing. Probably corrupt men at that. We know how power corrupts. And there has been plenty of it over the centuries in Vatican City.
    Women could do so much to help the church. But the guy so many want to make a saint would not even allow it to be discussed, along with priests marrying. And their reasoning for precedent is invalid as far as I can tell.
    As you have guessed, I was raised Catholic and have fallen away.

    I saw your comment on Christopher's blog and came to visit.

    I'll be back.
